In July Kaylee (13 years old) went to the Temple with our ward youth group. On there way home they stopped for lunch at they usual restaurant. Kaylee immediately began for feel sick, she made it home but pretty much threw up her lunch. And Just as fast as she felt sick she felt better. So we chalked it up to her tummy disagreeing with what she had. A few days later we ate out and again she got sick quickly but felt better soon after throwing up. I though it odd but didn't think too much about it after all she wasn't really sick. Then towards the end of the week we drove to Austin to Visit friends, the Howard Family, who came to visit from Fort Bragg. We met them for lunch at Cici's our 'regular' spot to meet up with them. Kaylee was fine all the way there, ate, got sick, threw up, and was better. I knew something was wrong but what?
Paul and I were suppose to be going deep sea fishing in the Gulf early the next day, so we didn't stay long. The hour drive home gave me time to think and about 20 minutes from home I had Brooklyn pass her blood sugar meter around so that everyone could check their blood sugar. I was mostly concerned about Kaylee, but I didn't want to worry her if my gut feeling was wrong. I wasn't wrong. Her Blood sugar read High meaning the meter could not read it because it was over 500. She knew immediately what that meant, she hid her head under a blanket and cried. I didn't want to make things worse by calling my Mom right then so I texted her. I hadn't sent a text to her before; normally I called, so my first question was do you know how to text? She did. I explained by text what was happening and that the first chance I got I'd call her - when I could be out of ear shot of Kaylee. My emotions were a mess and I knew hearing my Mother's voice on the other end and to have to tell her the news that I would cry. And this was not the time for crying.
We dropped the other 3 girls off at home and took her into the ER on Base (Fort Hood). We told them why we were there and got a bed pretty quickly. Lots of blood drawn and an IV. It was all pretty calm. The doctors kept coming in asking when she was diagnosed and I had to keep saying no that is why we are here now. Eventually they got a hold of Dr Bryant (Brooklyn's endocrinologist) thankfully he said to bring her to the Scott and White hospital in Temple, TX and he'd come see her. I was glad for this because he knew us he knew what were capable of and I knew that he'd help Kaylee better than any of the ER Doctors.
Kaylee got her first ride in the ambulance. You should remember that as was previously mentioned after eating out and her throwing up she felt fine - so the whole time she's in the ER and in the Ambulance she feels fine, and so it's kinda like she was questioning is this real? Why am I stuck here? Even though deep down she knew why.
At Scott and White she got her room quickly and when she was settled it was time to up date all who were concerned. Since we had stopped at home before going to the ER Kaylee had the chance to update her status on Facebook - so many people knew something was going on.
She spent 2 days in the hospital, she was told that she could be released when she started giving her insulin shots herself. She gave herself the next one.
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